Stewardship Simplified
OASIS (Outpatient Automated Stewardship Information System) is a statistical code that can be used with any electronic health record to provide individualized audit and feedback reports to medical providers on their antibiotic prescribing patterns compared to their peers. As one of the most effective methods for promoting guideline-concordant antibiotic prescribing, OASIS aims to make provider audit and feedback reporting available to any health system, free of charge.
OASIS (Outpatient Automated Stewardship Information System) is a freely available, easily modifiable statistical code that electronically abstracts data from the electronic health record (EHR), analyzes the data, and creates recurring reports on medical providers’ antibiotic prescribing habits individually and in comparison to their peers. The OASIS reports are emailed to providers automatically at intervals of your choosing.
OASIS was developed as part of a research study at Denver Health and Hospital Authority in Denver, CO. The primary focus of that study was to promote guideline-concordant durations of antibiotic therapy for children with ear infections. To do so, six Denver Health clinics were assigned to one of two interventions. The first intervention included changes to the EHR (hyperlinks to clinical care guidelines, help text, and quick buttons for selecting appropriate dosing and duration of antibiotic therapy), while the second intervention was bundled to include the same EHR changes in addition to education sessions and audit and feedback reporting using OASIS. Both interventions were successful in increasing the number of antibiotic prescriptions in alignment with guidelines, but the group that received monthly OASIS feedback reports stood out with an increase in guideline-concordant prescribing of 74.6% (10.6% pre-intervention to 85.2% post-intervention).
Learn more about the OASIS program — our vision and how you can join the mission to make antibiotic stewardship accessible to all.

Benefits of Membership
Steps to Sign Up for Membership

Fill out and submit the sign up form with your name, email address, and the organization with which you are affiliated. Your information will not be shared with anyone.

Someone from the OASIS team will review your request within 72 hours.

After OASIS reviews, you will receive an email communicating approval from, activating your member account.

Once logged into the site, you’ll be able to submit projects and view the full details of other OASIS projects, including the code used during those projects.