You can download manuals or watch informational videos below.
User Manuals
User manuals help guide you through the process of implementing your own OASIS projects. Members can download them below.
User Manual for OASIS Acute Otitis Media First-Line Antibiotic and Antibiotic Duration Reports
This user manual provides a guide for utilizing OASIS to generate audit and feedback reports for duration of antibiotics and first-line treatment of acute otitis media.
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Informational Videos

OASIS Basics
Watch this informational video to learn more about the ins and outs of OASIS. This video is designed for anyone who is interested in implementing their own antibiotic stewardship project using OASIS.

Setting Up Your OASIS Project
This training video will walk you through the process of setting up, installing, navigating, and running the OASIS code for use in your own stewardship projects.