What is OASIS?
OASIS (Outpatient Automated Stewardship Information System) is a freely available, easily modifiable statistical code that electronically abstracts data from the electronic health record (EHR), analyzes the data, and creates recurring reports on medical providers’ antibiotic prescribing habits individually and in comparison to their peers.

Our Mission
Antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed medications, and most are unnecessary. The use of unnecessary antibiotics results in the development of antibiotic resistant organisms and adverse drug events. Most antibiotics are prescribed in outpatient settings, with even higher rates in community-based and resource-limited settings compared to other settings. Given these concerns, outpatient stewardship is a national priority (CDC’s Core Elements of Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship) that requires engagement from health systems and commitment from providers to prescribe antibiotics responsibly.
One of the most effective strategies for reducing unnecessary antibiotic prescribing is through tracking and reporting of prescribing habits at the clinician level using audit and feedback reports in comparison to peers, though this is typically expensive and time consuming. OASIS’s mission is to remove those barriers by providing an easily modifiable statistical code for the creation of automated audit and feedback reports at no cost.
Our Vision
We hope that making OASIS freely available will empower health systems to take on their own antibiotic stewardship efforts.
Who is OASIS for?
OASIS is for health systems that are dedicated to antibiotic stewardship and ready to take steps toward reducing antibiotic use.
The Benefits of OASIS
Unnecessary use of antibiotics results in the development of antibiotic resistant organisms and adverse drug events. One of the most effective strategies to reduce unnecessary antibiotic prescribing is through tracking and reporting at the clinician level using audit and feedback reports in comparison to peers. OASIS makes this typically time-consuming and expensive process simple and free of charge.

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Why Sign Up?
Becoming a member of the site grants you full access to view details of previous OASIS projects and download code for use within your organization, free of charge.
Steps to Sign Up for Membership

Fill out and submit the sign up form with your name, email address, and the organization with which you are affiliated. Your information will not be shared with anyone.

Someone from the OASIS team will review your request within 72 hours.

After OASIS reviews, you will receive an email communicating approval from OASIS@dhha.org, activating your member account.